Tag: Marketing

Don’t Miss the Big Picture

One of my favorite ways to unwind and relax is to take my camera for a walk at the local arboretum. There’s just something about watching baby ducks play in the water or seeing the vibrant colors of spring flowers […]

Dog Tested. Dog Approved.

Have you seen the new Subaru commercials? They’re my favorite! Finally, a company that appeals to the true head of the household – the family dog. Subaru does an excellent job of knowing their audience and their brand, a thing I’ve learned a lot about since I got my new position as office dog.

Meet Jillie

I’ve never been as excited to write a blog post as I am to write this one – because I get to introduce you to Jillie, our new office dog.

The Soda Wars

Regardless of whether you drink soda or not, you’ve heard of the long, heated rivalry between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. It has been going on for over a century and while I personally can’t tell the difference between Coke, Pepsi, and […]

Take the Shot

There are many learning styles, and over the years I’ve discovered that I learn best by doing. I can memorize facts and statistics after hearing or reading them, but to me, nothing beats rolling up my sleeves and trying something […]