Tag: Storytelling

Amazing, Inspiring, Good Enough to Watch Over And Over Title Sequences

When I’m chasing my tail on a creative project, like a website or logo, I usually have to force myself to forget about the project for a while and look around for inspiration in odd places. This post is a journey into one of those odd places I found: Amazing, inspiring, good enough to watch over and over title sequences.

7 Essential Books for Business Leaders

Here is a ‘must read list’ of some of the best marketing (and branding) books that I reference again and again. They all address the core challenge of getting people to hear your message and take action.

How We Used Illustrated Characters to Reach Kids

If you’re not sure illustrated characters are effective brand mascots, try walking down the cereal aisle at your local grocery store. Those characters connect with kids on an emotional level that other marketing methods can’t match. Big brands have mastered the use of animated spokespeople, but companies of every size can benefit from the love of a character.

6 Tips for Stronger Presentations

Do your presentations fall flat? Does your audience seem bored?  You worked to make sure your slides were dynamic and made sure that your points were clear, and still you flopped.  What you probably missed was establishing an authentic connection […]