Tag: Storytelling

A Food Influencer’s Life

Las Vegas has no shortage of food choices, and Philip Tzeng has them all at his fingertips. As a content creator and food marketer based in Las Vegas, Philip has gained a huge following by sharing positive restaurant reviews and building relationships within the Vegas food scene. In this episode, he’s pulling back the curtain to talk about what goes into content creation, working with restaurant brands, and the constantly changing social media landscape.

Leveraging Your Humanity

Human beings are wired for connections. So how do we leverage our humanity to build those connections when technology seems to be pushing us in the other direction? In this episode, Steve speaks with David J.P. Fisher, Author of “Networking in the 21st Century” and President of RockStar Consulting, about the importance of storytelling, building trust, and the impact of technology on sales. The conversation touches on the psychology of human connection, the fear of rejection, and what it means to leverage your humanity.

Harnessing the Potential of AI

In this episode, Alison McCauley, Best-Selling Author and AI Strategist, and our president, Steve Gilman, revisit the world of AI and the importance of developing a relationship with AI tools. They discuss the acceleration of AI adoption over the past two years and how organizations and individuals can respond to make sure they aren’t left behind.

Crafting the Right Marketing Mix

Being creative means having the courage to take risks. It means rolling with the punches, pivoting when needed, and evolving your ideas to create an end result that resonates with your audience. In this episode, Gina Michnowicz, CEO and Chief Creative Officer of The Craftsman Agency, offers her insights into creating integrated marketing campaigns for top brands such as Disney and Cisco. She shares what it’s like to be creative in the fast-paced world of marketing and how every touchpoint impacts the customer experience.

Creating a Video Content Strategy

Ever wonder how a two-time Emmy nominee approaches storytelling? Tom Langan has spent his 20-year career in television keeping one thing consistent: appealing to the human side of storytelling. In this episode, Tom addresses the need for a strategic approach to content creation and putting your audience first. We hear snippets from his book, Legendeering, a guide for a video communication strategy, and the role reciprocity plays in communication strategies. His episode is full of examples of how to talk to people like people to build connections and add value to your stories.