If you have visited our Facebook page, you may have noticed quite a few photos of dogs in the office. We are fortunate enough to provide a pet-friendly workplace and we love it. I recently added to the Gravity canine family with the adoption of my dog, Ripley, and she’s just beginning to learn the ropes of what makes a good office dog.

The key trait: lovable

There have been studies with scientific evidence supporting that having dogs in the workplace not only lowers stress, but increases productivity. Our team knows that whenever dogs are in the office, we get more enjoyment out of our workday. When one of us hits a roadblock, taking a break to play with the dogs loosens us up and gets our creative thoughts flowing again. It’s a relaxing experience that motivates us to get things done.

What the humans have to say about having pups at Gravity

“In a job that’s highly dynamic and creative, being able to take 5 minutes to pet or play with a pup helps me to change gears much more easily. My blood pressure is lower as a result, I’m convinced!” — Christian

“Having screen time interrupted by a furry friend wandering into the office is a great mood booster, and we definitely end up having play time with the pups at least once a day. With all the tech we use and the number of projects going on at one time, having little breaks here and there to spend time with a dog is really refreshing and a big morale booster.” — Zach

Meet the Canine Gravity Staff

And because we can’t resist, here are some more photos of our office dogs hard at work:

You can also check out the pups on Facebook: office pups, Halloween 2016, Ollie takes over Gravity